School Goals

This is the starting place for our work at Airport on the Framework for Enhanced Student Learning or FESL. The School Learning Plan is a living document that is designed to serve as a guide to guide and align a school’s work in terms of learning. It is designed to allow schools to align all their resources in order to meet all students learning needs. ​

Airport Elementary has a goal under each of the *** in School District 71’s Strategic Plan.


Educational Excellence

Goal 1: Connect literacy learning between school and home

  • Literacy nights
  • Drop Everything and Read program
  • Book share programs – facilitate ways to get books into homes
  • Parent learning around literacy strategies

Continue: Explicit assessment and teaching at target grade levels to improve literacy

  • Continue use of “Learning Hub” for staff and parents to share and store ideas to support literacy
  • Curriculum Support Teacher will focus on supporting literacy in classrooms
  • Use common assessment at each grade level, share assessment, and use to plan further teaching
  • Create common lessons and focus at each grade level

Community Engagement

Goal 2: Building connections between the school and CFB Comox and Wallace Gardens (PMQ)

  • Airport Elementary will maintain a Free Book Library on school property for the Wallace Garden Area
  • School will help and attend special events put on by Wallace Garden (Halloween/Easter)
  • Create and participate in joint events with CFB Comox (Terry Fox Run/Remembrance Day/Sports)
  • Provide opportunity for CFB Comox members to volunteer/help at the school

Organizational Stability and Environmental Stewardship

Goal 3: Teach and promote environmental stewardship

  • Teach and model reduce/reuse/recycle
  • The school will work with Tina Willard Stephan  – Facilitator and Environmental Educator with the CVRD
  • Airport Elementary will be a Pack In – Pack Out school: staff and students will take snack and lunch waste home each day
  • Start school wide composting

Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing

Goal 4: To ensure every child at Airport Elementary matters and is acknowledged

  • Provide breakfast, snack, and lunch for any child needing food
  • Increase school wide events: ex. Dress Up days
  • Increase before/during/after school opportunities for students
  • Continue monthly awards acknowledging students
  • Continue “All Star” acknowledgements
  • Create school wide Bulletin board-every child/staff helps create