Counsellor’s Corner
Anger or Guilt – The classic result of an emotional conflict with another where one will feel anger and one will feel guilt. Contains a great list of supports in the Comox Valley.
Back To School Anxiety – Concentrates on back to school worries and anxiety and some ideas for how to reduce this stress in your child.
BFFs and the Dating World – Addresses Friendships and dating with strategies for recognizing healthy vs unhealthy relationships
Grief – Discussing how children process grief.
If It Sounds Too Good To Be True – A common issue for today’s children – screen time.
Let the Days of Boredom Begin – Encourages parents to permit their children to be bored over spring break.
Quit Taking It Personally – The Q-Tip Principle – Ideas on how to de-personalize home behaviour and discipline / consequences.
The Wall of Futility – Sometimes our children need to sit in their discomfort and unfavourable emotions in order to fully realize what can / cannot be
They’re not bad kids – Informs about ADHD and challenges readers to see students with ADHD differently
Time Outs vs Time Ins – The teachable moment available with children once they are calm.