School Supplies
For the 2024-25 school year, Arden Elementary has moved back to a system where the school has pre-purchased ALL school supplies, and families will pay a fee of $25.00 per child (the fees have been greatly reduced, this year, thanks to a grant allocating $15/child). Supplies will be handed out to students the first week of school.
Please send payment of $25 per student to the school in one of the following ways:
- E-transfer – via ‘’. Please include your child(ren)’s name(s) and reason for payment in the description. Please note that we are only able to accept e-transfers from larger banking institutions (not usually credit unions). We cannot accept e-transfers from any bank that requires a password to accept funds.
- Cheque – made out to ‘Arden Elementary’. Please include your child(ren)’s name(s) and reason for payment in the description
- Cash – Please include a note saying your child(ren)’s name(s) and reason for payment.
(We have several things being paid for at the beginning of the year, and so the explanation as a description will assure the payment goes to the correct item).
The only items you will need to supply are: backpack, lunch bag, water bottle and indoor shoes with non-marking soles.