Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a 3 tiered framework which helps to improve social emotional competence, academic success, and school climate by creating positive, predictable, and safe learning environments where everyone thrives.  Our shared set of values and expectations is shown in our matrix (click the link below):


Code of Conduct

Our belief is that all students and staff are entitled to work and learn in a safe, caring and orderly environment. This Code of Conduct was originally developed by parents, students and staff.

The B.C. School Act and School District #71 (Comox Valley) Board Policy require all schools to develop and implement a student code of conduct.

In accordance with District Policy, and the Criminal Code, the following behaviours will not be tolerated at Aspen Park Elementary School:

  • Bullying and/or cyberbullying
  • Physical and/or verbal abuse
  • Possession or use of weapons
  • Possession, consumption, promotion or sale of tobacco products (including e-cigarettes or vape pens), alcohol, drugs (including cannabis) or related substances or paraphernalia
  • Sexual harassment
  • Threats and/or intimidation
  • Harassment and/or abuse based on any of the prohibited below

Under the Human Rights Code #6 and #7, for students and adults, the following grounds for discrimination are prohibited:

  • race, colour, ancestry
  • place of origin
  • religion
  • marital status or family status
  • physical or mental disability
  • sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression
  • age

Our Mission Statement at Aspen Park Elementary:

We are leaders.

We include all in our journey of learning.

We care for others, ourselves and the earth.

We give our best in everything we do.

Following from this mission statement, it is expected that students and staff will be respectful of self, others and the school environment. Students and staff demonstrate this respectful behaviour by:

  • being considerate, thoughtful and kind
  • being caring and courteous and using good manners in all interactions
  • caring for personal and school property
  • arriving on time, prepared to participate fully and appropriately in all classes, playground activities, field trips and extra-curricular activities
  • being a positive role model to enhance school culture
  • using technology responsibly
  • behaving in a safe manner at all times
  • being the best learner he/she can be
  • solving problems in a peaceful manner
  • acting responsibly at all times, including when not directly supervised by an adult

General Expectations

The code of conduct applies during travel to and from school, inside and outside the school building, during field trips and whenever a student represents their school; it applies to everyone – students, staff and parents/guests. Students are expected to follow the directions of any adult in and around the building at all times. This is designed to make sure we have a safe, caring school environment for all.

Students are also expected to comply with all reasonable expectations from any adult in and around the building at all times. Respectful dialogue is expected from everyone in all situations.

Taking Responsibility

All student behaviour provides an opportunity for learning. Students need to be given an opportunity to take responsibility for their own behaviour and to fix their mistakes.


Aspen Park students are asked to use their W.I.T.S. when solving problems.

  • Walk away – (from problem situations or to get adult help)
  • Ignore – (when someone is bugging you … do not retaliate back)
  • Talk it Out – (in a peaceful manner with adult help if needed)
  • Seek Help – (do this first before things escalate)


Bullying is not tolerated at Aspen Park. Bullying is repeated inappropriate conduct or comment by one person towards another person. The bully knew or reasonably should have known that their words or actions would cause the other person to feel uncomfortable or hurt or intimidated. Bullying can happen one time but most of the time it happens repeatedly. Students and parents are encouraged to report cases of bullying to the administration.

It is helpful for students to report bullying because this can allow appropriate actions to take place to ensure that this behaviour does not continue.

Dress Code

Our schools are a place of learning and a place of work – as such we ask that both students and staff wear clothing that is appropriate for the intended activity. We also expect our staff and students to avoid wearing clothing that promotes drugs or alcohol, displays offensive language/images or encourages discrimination.

Reporting or Tattling

Tattling is telling adults for the purpose of hurting and getting another person in trouble. Reporting is telling for the purpose of getting help for you and/or for the person or people who are having a challenge or conflict.

Response to Inappropriate and/or Unacceptable Behaviour

When a student’s action(s) demonstrate non-compliance with our School Code of Conduct, careful consideration of appropriate consequences will occur once the details of the incident have been fully investigated. The school administration will ultimately decide on the course of action to take and each incident will be dealt with individually based on the incident.

Depending upon the severity and/or frequency of the inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour, one or more of the following may occur:

  • Official recording of the incident.
  • Contact and meeting with the parents, guardians and/or caregivers
  • Restitution to individuals involved
  • Verbal or written apology
  • Behaviour reflections completed by student
  • Performing a ‘community service’ at school
  • Establishing a ‘personal behaviour contract’
  • Loss of playground time
  • Loss of ‘special privileges,’ eg. Field trips, extra-curricular activities
  • Referral to School Based Team for intervention
  • Reimbursement if school property loss or damage is involved in the incident
  • In school or out of school suspension, in accordance with district policy (all other avenues will be explored prior to the use of suspension)
  • Progressive discipline may be instituted; further explanation of this process is available upon request.
  • Actions specified under District policy

Thank you to the staff, students, parents and Parent Advisory Council for providing input into the development of the Aspen Park Elementary School Code of Conduct.