Indigenous Worldview and Perspectives

Aboriginal Worldviews and Perspectives in the Classroom:  Moving Forward

The past decade has witnessed several significant developments affecting Aboriginal Education in BC. Most visible, perhaps, has been the acknowledgment on the part of both the Province of British Columbia and government of Canada of the mistreatment and disrespect that Aboriginal peoples have endured throughout much of our nation’s history.

This has resulted in a new attentiveness on the part of government to long-standing demands from Aboriginal leaders for a fresh approach to the provision of formal education at all levels.

Consultation and negotiation have occurred, First Nations leaders have come together to give the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) a strong mandate to advocate for quality First Nations education in BC (both on-reserve and off-reserve), and several important agreements have been reached that recognize the importance of education in improving the lives of Aboriginal people in the province (excerpt from following booklet).