Learning Opportunities

This page connects you with learning opportunities to assist your child at home in their educational journey.



https://www.education.com/resources/  (Some free online activities and printable worksheets with registration)

https://khankids.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004559231-Welcome-to-Khan-Academy-Kids (Free and mobile app avail. Includes Reading, writing, and math activities)


http://web.a.ebscohost.com/novpk8/search/novbasic?vid=0&sid=c02bdb4f-9ab3-4f25-add5-6e9bf3b35545%40sdc-v-sessmgr02  (Free to search. Novel list K-8)

https://soraapp.com/library/comoxvalleyca  (Use student ID and password)

https://libbyapp.com/library/virl   (Requires library card number and password)



https://www.coolmath4kids.com/  (For children under 12 -lessons, quizzes, and games)

https://www.coolmath.com/  (For those 13+ – lessons, quizzes, and games)

https://www.mathsisfun.com/ (Free, online K-12 – includes lessons, worksheets, and games)

Helping my child with homework

Families can assist their children by develop good working habits when focusing on schoolwork. Here are a few helpful tips to help your child with doing school work at home:

  • Have your child develop a routine by ensuring that they work at the same time every day.
  • If possible, find a quiet, comfortable location for your child to work.
  • Sit down with your child and review the tasks/homework they need to work on for that day.
  • Ask your child to describe the assignment before beginning, and later have them share their completed work or summarize what has been learned.
  • Be encouraging. Sometimes the best help is a hug, a smile, or a word of approval.
  • If your child becomes frustrated, put the assignment away for a while and come back to it a little later.
  • When possible, help your child relate homework assignments to everyday life and skills. The more they relate to the work, the more likely they will retain the information that they have learned.
  • Remind your child that challenges gives us the opportunity to grow and learn.
  • If you need assistance with supporting your child with their homework, please reach out to your child’s teacher, support person, and indigenous support worker.  We are here to help you and your child!