Physical Literacy
ISPARC Move, Play, Compete
In 2007, driven by the desire to improve the health and well-being of BC’s Indigenous people, several prominent provincial Indigenous organizations came together to develop a social legacy from the Cowichan 2008 North American Indigenous Games—a legacy that would lead to transformative change in the health and well-being of Indigenous people across the province.
Click here to explore the Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council website. It highlights many opportunities for community recreation, coaching opportunities, performance sport programs, as well as healthy living activities and grant opportunities.
Indigenous Games for Children
The Indigenous Games for Children Resource is a collection of traditional Indigenous games and activities
to help front line leaders introduce or reconnect children to recreational and sport activities that reflect the
rich cultural heritage of our Indigenous peoples across Canada.
Through consultation with Indigenous communities and cultural organizations, researchers and existing
publications, this resource is a collection of activity cards for use by leaders working with children in a
program setting. There are several activities that put children in touch with nature. Indigenous people in
Canada have always had a special bond with their natural environments and for many years, depended
entirely upon Mother Earth for their survival. Many games were introduced to children by elders to help
them learn and develop skills necessary for survival, building strength and agility, hunting and gathering
food in harsh weather environments. Many of these active games will also help children increase their
physical activity levels while strengthening their sense of culture and tradition.
Inuit Games
Indigenous Support Worker Jessica Flowers, of Inuit ancestry, teaches traditional Inuit games to students at Miracle Beach Elementary. Easy to teach, and no equipment required…give them a try!