Residential School – Primary
LRC SD71 Primary Kits: Teaching about Residential School
Through stories, discussion, and play provocations, the purpose of this kit is to provide opportunities for students for the following.
- An introduction to residential schools in an age-appropriate context
- Introducing the importance of the connection to land
- We are hoping that this leads you and your class to consider acts of reconciliation through caring for others
Grade 2/3 Focus: Family Ties and Connection to the Land: An introduction to Residential Schools for younger children
Building on previous understandings of residential schools, this kit seeks to extend our learning about Indigenous peoples’ connection to the land into environmental education curriculum.
Through stories, discussion, and play provocations, the purpose of this kit is to provide opportunities for students in the following,
- Learn about residential schools in an age-appropriate context.
- Learn about the importance of the connection to land for Indigenous people.
- We are hoping that this leads you and your class to consider acts of reconciliation through caring for others
Residential School Book Lists
Compiled locally for SD71
CBC Book lists
- 10 Books to Read with your Kids
- A Reconciliation Reading List for Young Readers
- A reading list for older and adult readers
A trailer for the book Shi Shi Etko by Nicola Campbell – an excellent book to help understand the connection to land and a good way to start a conversation about Residential Schools:
Residential School Teachings in Primary Grades Examples:
Pictures and art created by students in Colleen Devlin’s Aboriginal K/1 Program in SD 71; Art and lesson idea inspired by George Littlechild.
Art and Lesson Idea inspired by George Littlechild and a scene from the book Amik Loves School by Katherena Vermitte. The children were asked to imagine what it might have been like to go to the big school on the hill without their family and friends and come up with a one word description. Once the paintings were finished the children chose a black and white photo of a residential school child and their special word and created the collage effect.
Click You Hold Me Up ~ Hulquminum Translation ~ Mandy Jones to hear You Hold Me Up in Hulquminum language.
Another project idea from the primary students of Colleen Devlin’s classroom:
Through a project on the First Nations Caring Society website “Honouring Memories, Planting Dreams” young primary students can show a deeper understanding of Orange Shirt Day. We decorate the paper hearts to honour those survivors of IRS and in memory of those who didn’t survive. A gentle way to introduce residential school to even our youngest students.
Project of Heart Video: Honouring Residential Schools. A film by Ed Carswell
Project Heart is the story of an extraordinary school event in Courtenay, B.C. Teacher Susan Leslie leads a school-wide project and ceremony to honour Indian residential school survivors. Leslie organizes storytelling circles, art and inquiry projects, and encourages students to create ceremonial blankets. Verna Flanders shares her experiences as a survivor of St. Michael’s Residential School in Alert Bay, B.C. Project Heart culminates with a school-wide Blanketing Ceremony to honour Verna and four other survivors (Stan Frank, Valerie Frank, Melvin Price, and Dean Littlelight).
This film was inspired in part by Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation events. “Reconciliation is an opportunity for all Canadians to renew relationships, based on a shared understanding of our histories and our cultures and walk a path together for a shared tomorrow.”
Project Heart-Honouring Residential School Survivors – a film by Ed Carswell on Vimeo.
First Nations Caring Society (English and French) website:
Wondering how to get started or what you can do about Reconciliation? Check out this website for information and many projects you can be part of.