Code of Conduct

Huband Park Elementary Code of Conduct

At Huband Park Elementary School expected behavior means:

  • I am a responsible and engaged learner
  • I am caring and respectful to myself, to others and to the environment
  • I can contribute to making our school safe for everyone.

We believe that it is okay to make mistakes, and that we grow when we reflect on them and make an effort to repair harm. Adults are responsible for modelling, teaching, and setting the conditions for a safe and caring school. When unexpected behavior happens, students are responsible for restoring their relationship with adults and students. Consequences, if required, start with the adults closest to the child (the classroom teacher in communication with parents) and can escalate to involving the principal or vice principal if the behavior is harmful to self or others, or is repeated. At Huband Park we aim to be

  • H– Honest, helpful
  • E – Empathetic, engaged
  • A – Accepting, appreciative
  • R – Respectful, resilient, responsible
  • T – Tolerant, team-builders, thoughtful

Rising Expectations

As students become older and progress through the grades, expectations of appropriate behaviour, self regulation, and personal responsibility increase. Age, cognitive development and special needs will be factors when providing consequences/learning opportunities for students to understand their mistakes, make more appropriate decisions and demonstrate appropriate behaviours. Where students are unable to appreciate the nature or consequences of their behaviour, in consultation with their parents, teachers may refer them to administration, school-based teams, case managers or outside agencies. We use reflection sheets to support ownership and repair as well as a communication tool to keep parents/caregivers informed.

Use of Technology/Devises

Personal devices such as phones, tablets, smart watches, or any device with bluetooth are not to be used at school and be kept in backpacks during the day.  This is in place to promote online safety, protect students’ mental health from potential technology over-use, and prioritize focused learning environments. Students may access their personal devises after the final bell at 2:30 with the understanding that they are accessing appropriate and respectful content, including on the bus ride home.

School technology will be used for learning purposes and students are expected to manage their use with the intended purposes. Personal devices may be used for learning accommodations, connection to the internet, medical needs, with a support plan created with teachers, our school-based team, and parents/caregivers.

Unexpected behavior

We expect students to display behaviours that bring credit to themselves, others, and the school. Behavior that disrupts the learning opportunities of others, causes mental, physical and/or emotional harm to others, or demonstrates disrespect is not acceptable.

Behaviors we will address with consequences or restitution include:

  • discriminating behavior or speech based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation or age, or gender identity and expression bullying, cyber bullying, harassment or intimidation including friendship/social bullying (i.e. talking behind someone’s back, excluding others) being a bystander to bullying (i.e. not reporting an incident, cheering or laughing at incident)
  • actions that compromise safety
  • physical aggression/verbal threats
  • overt defiance towards adults


Restitution is a process that focuses on creating conditions for students to learn self-discipline, fix mistakes and return to the group strengthened. Restitution helps children reclaim their self-esteem through self-evaluation, personal effort and fixing their own mistakes. The school community works with students to help them understand making responsible choices, learning appropriate behaviour, and working towards restitution with involved parties. When these responsibilities are not observed, actions taken may include:

  • reflection sheets
  • restitution with opportunities to fix mistakes
  • conference with all parties affected
  • notification of parents by phone or email
  • brainstorming to solve problems
  • referral to School Based Team
  • immediate removal from classroom, playground, or privileges
  • extended removal from classroom and/or playground privileges
  • In some circumstances, suspension.

The goal of imposing consequences for unexpected behavior is to educate the child and protect the group. The best place for consequences to occur is via the classroom teacher in communication with parents. V