Welcome to Kindergarten (WTK)

​​​​This is the starting place for information related to our “Welcome to Kindergarten” or WTK program at Huband.  WTK is a process that starts in May with a WTK visit by new Kindergarten parents and their child, and then continues in the first weeks of September with “gradual entry”.

Mission Statement for WTK

“The Welcome to Kindergarten Program brings together families, school and community agencies to support children as they enter school. The goal is to share strategies and resources that make early learning through play, a priority in the home and support children in a successful transition to school.”

Welcome to Kindergarten and gradual entry are based on the Motto “Talk Read Sing Play every day!  These activities are building block for social emotional and intellectual development in your child.  The graphic below explains in more detail what each of these parts of the Motto do for you and your child:

The four most important things for parents to know about the transition to school is as follows:

  1. ​Transition is a matter of equity
  2. A smooth transition to school makes a difference for children’s outcomes.
  3. Families play an important role in the transition to school.
  4. It’s all about relationships- among families, early years programs, schools and communities.