Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

The Huband Parent Advisory Council (commonly known as the PAC) is for all parents and guardians of children enrolled at Huband Park Elementary. If you have a child at Huband, you are a member of the PAC!

The PAC is here to listen, discuss, support, and contribute to many aspects of the Huband school community.

Please join us at our meetings, which are generally held on a Thursday evening each month in the Huband library.

Stay in the know: follow your PAC on Facebook!

Contact us at:

Please remember that we are all volunteers. Let’s work together to make Huband a wonderful learning environment for everyone and a community to be engaged in!

Initiatives in 2024-25 include:

  • Salad Bar and Hot Lunch, which raise the bulk of our funds*
  • Huband Holiday Market – Nov. 23, 2024 (Entry by donation. Vendors, silent auction, bake sale, and more!)
  • Mother’s Day hanging baskets and blueberry plant sale
  • Educational opportunities for parents

*Orders can be made at; if you are interested in volunteering, email hubandparkpac@gmail.comIf it is your first time ordering, you will have to enter the school code HPHL.  Complete instructions to set up your hot lunch account can be found here.

Where does the money go?

We encourage you to come to our fall PAC meetings to discuss and vote on the budget priorities for the school year. Much of the funds raised goes to:

  • Field trips (ice skating, to the pool, etc.) and transportation to and from field trips (buses)
  • Subsidizing lunches for children who need it
  • Discretionary funds for teachers to spend in their classrooms
  • Updating gym equipment, such as soccer balls and Huband jerseys for sports teams, and outdoor garden needs
  • Technology (such as ipads) and learning apps to accommodate the needs and abilities of all learners
  • The Grade 7 year-end field trip, an opportunity for the senior students to challenge themselves and bond before going to high school

Elections for the PAC Executive are held at the Annual General Meeting in May or June. If you are interested in any of the positions please make sure that you express that interest prior to, or simply come to that meeting. ​

2023-24 PAC Executive

  • Chair: Morgen Parkin
  • Vice Chair: Karen Stevenson
  • Treasurer: Krista Galley
  • Secretary: Ann Floyd
  • DPAC Rep: Justyne Smith and Bonnie Dennis
  • Fundraising Coordinator: Nikki Hainstock
  • Volunteer Coordinator: Kristine Salzmann
  • Hot Lunch Coordinator: Keelyn McPherson and Kailey Tinga
  • Salad Bar Co-Coordinators: Katlyn Tolton and Bruce McClintock

Meeting minutes can be found posted on the PAC bulletin board outside the library.