Checklists and Forms for Coaches

Checklist for Coaches

The multitude of forms and requirements for athletic trips can be confusing so here is a checklist of requirements for the different forms of athletic trips. We would appreciate receiving the forms a day or two before departure, but we do understand the chaos of organizing teenage athletes and the time it takes to complete the necessary forms.

Please note the Criminal Record Checks can take up to 2 weeks to complete but they are valid for 3 years once completed. All driver’s license and insurance papers need to be resubmitted when they are renewed.

If you are planning on volunteering as a coach, driver or chaperone, you MUST complete a criminal record check.

Criminal Record Checks​

Necessary for all coaches who are not employees of School District #71 (must be returned to the office for an authorized contact signature)

Criminal Record Check Form 2024

Standard One Day Trip​ (Away Games)

List of Students submitted by email to ​

All volunteer drivers need to complete:

All chaperones need to complete a Criminal Record Checks (please note only one chaperone is needed for each 30 students, so only list chaperones if they are necessary)

Overnight Trip​ (Tournaments)

List of Students submitted by email to​

All volunteer drivers need to complete:

All chaperones need to complete a Criminal Record Check (please note only one chaperone is needed for each 30 students, so only list chaperones if they are necessary)

Out of Province/Country Travel (District Approval required)

Please speak with Admin and/or Athletic Director concerning the process.

List of Students submitted by email to​

All volunteer drivers need to complete:

All chaperones need to complete a Criminal Record Check

High Risk Activities

Please consult with Admin and the Athletic Director if you have a group participating in a high risk outing.

List of Students submitted by email to​​

All volunteer drivers need to complete:

All chaperones and drivers need to complete a Criminal Record Check