Flex Day Opportunities

Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Armstrong, ChrisShop open A and C block, WP10 Math help in 116 in B block.
Aldridge, MichaelCareers 10: Any students not writing numeracy or literacy assessments should use flex day to seek support and catch up on outstanding assignments. All students are welcome to work ahead of the class or come in for education/career planning support.

Accounting 11: Any student that has not completed units 1-5 inclusive should attend. All students are welcome to continue working on unit 6 or begin Quickbooks training.
Baker, JanaScheduled students will have the following option(s):
1. Start, complete, edit, and/or review current academic/elective requirements.
2. Learn, practice and/or review foundational skills in numeracy and literacy via online, teacher and/or LST provided materials.
3. Use, review, and/or learn technological accessibility tools.

Drop-in students will have the same options as above, if there is space available.

Barber, GraemeStudents are welcome to attend to improve their understanding and complete missing assignments and assessments or extend their learning.

Grade 8 Math/Science:
-Practice past skills of rates and ratios if emerging/IE
-Complete Science Penny Lab 2 and Graphing Assignment if not completed
-Extension activity: Practice Gauss Math Contest and self assessment

Math 10 Precalculus and Foundations
- Must attend if below 60% to improve understanding
-Complete missed quizzes or unit tests
- Improve problem solving skills
Baron, LeahI will have students doing Capstone presentations on Flex Day, so ISP support will be available in the afternoon.
Benton, DavidCatch up and semester projects in 115 and 145
Black, Erica
Peer Tutoring Opportunities
Cottingham, DanikaLaw Studies 12 (A block) will have the opportunity to complete the most recent test (Unit 3) if missed, work on the Criminal Trial Skit activity, or to discuss and pursue extension projects to demonstrate extending understanding of topics and events.

20th Century World History (B block) will have the opportunity to complete an activity within the class period rather than in a flexible location on this day, or to discuss and pursue extension projects to demonstrate extending understanding of topics and events.

Social Studies 10 (C and D blocks) will not be able to have support due to Ms. Cottingham’s supervision of a Literacy Assessment. Students are encouraged to work on outstanding activities and email for support if needed.
Dakiniewich, TroyWoodshop is open for students to work during the day.

Woodshop closed B block for a meeting (might only be part of b block)
Demers, SophieB Block- Grade 8's: This applies to both Grade 8 classes (not just the Wednesday AM group). Come to room 110 for anything French related! This can include French tutorials, extra support, work catch up (including skits), help with missing assignments or games.

C (Intro/9 French) + D (11/12): French tutorials, extra support, work/quiz catch up, help with missing assignments, catch up on skits, review for final "Check for Understanding"- including support on your study guide, or French games!
Diesch, Thomas
Douglas, MargoEnglish 9/10
Support with current class work and upcoming assignments.
Dyck, Elise
Errico, Ken
Erikson, KennethI am doing the Math Numeracy so I will not be around in A block but block c/b precal 11 math help, final exam review, missing test catch up
Blk d Math 9 Math help, final exam review

Follis, CraigScience Fair enrichment and catch up of missing work.
Gaudry, Crystal
Gorski, TravisSports Medicine - students are invited to improve their stethoscope skills and complete their medicine cabinet assignment
Workplace Math 10 - students are invited to complete all outstanding assignments and tests
PE 9/10 - students are invited to complete their dance and gymnastics routines

Haut, MeganStudents will be writing their literacy exam in the morning and then completing Term 1 assignments in the afternoon.
Higgins, CoreyFlex Day opportunities include extra help and completion of any outstanding assignments; Students that attend that are completely caught up will be provided with enrichment opportunities to further their learning.

Horner, TimPsych 11: students will have the opportunity to continue work on their final research project, as well as an opportunity to receive support on overdue assignments.

Psych 12: during D Block, students will have the opportunity to make up their term project if it was missed back in December. Students can also drop in throughout the day to receive support on their overdue assignments.

EFP 11: students will have the opportunity to receive support and to continue working on their final creative writing assignment.

Hoy, JeffAM- EFP 11

Ingram, DaveStudents in digital media classes (photography, 2D animation, IT 8) will not have access to computers or camera gear in 003 because the class is being used for numeracy and literacy testing.
Jamieson, RossBlock C Careers 9 - continue with our learning and development of various career and life opportunity options

Block D Careers 8 - continue with our learning and development of various career and life opportunity options
Janz, DavidEnglish 12 - In-person assistance is available for students to catch-up on missing work. All criteria available through 'Assignments' in MyEducationBC.
Capstone need to be presented this week (Jan 13 - 17), INCLUDING THIS FLEX DAY.
Currently, students are finishing their Capstone projects and presenting them this week. Also, students are preparing their 'Exit Interview' work for exit interviews for next week.
Now overdue: Comparative essay, Novel Notes, Show Notes. Unfortunately, unless there are special circumstances, no work from before the novel studies unit can be accepted (Jan 10 was the deadline). Students should come to speak with Janz about missing work from before the novel studies unit they might want to submit.

Intro to Law 9/10 - In-person assistance is available for students to catch-up on missing work. All criteria available through 'Assignments' in MyEducationBC.
Currently, students should be finishing their Final Projects. Presenting these to Mr. Janz begins Friday, January 17, and continues until Wednesday, January 22.
Now overdue: Project 5, 'Canadian Serial Killers OR Federal Prison Levels', project 4 ('Report to Crown Counsel), projects 1, 2, & 3 ('Request for Evidence at [scenes]' Point of Entry, Point of Struggle, and Point of Homicide), and assignments 1 - 15.

Law Studie 12 - In-person assistance is available for students to catch-up on missing work. All criteria available through 'Assignments' in MyEducationBC.
Currently, students are working on Exit Interview work. One-on-one 'exit interviews', where students will share their exit work start on Thursday, January 16 and conclude on Wednesday, January 22.
Now overdue: 'Climate Change Litigation & Other Law' and ‘Civil Disputes Assignment’. Unfortunately, unless there are special circumstances, no work from before the Civil Disputes unit can be accepted (Jan 14 deadline). Students should come to speak with Janz about missing work from before the Civil Disputes unit they might want to submit.

Keeping, Brittany
Kelly, AudreyMath support for all students. Make up tests/quizzes for any outstanding T2 work.
Keyworth, Kristie• Tutorials
• Catch-up work
• Re-dos
• Extra help
• Listening Tests
• Spanish movie
Klassen, HeatherStudents in Humanities 8 will be working on overdue Black Death assignments. If they are finished, they will begin work on their Renaissance art research.

Students in Social Studies 9 will be completing overdue Heritage Minutes. If they are finished, they can study for their World War 1 quiz.
Lange, AmandaFor PHE classes they can come in and complete their dance projects and health assignments or work on their gymnastics routines.
Leikermoser, KatieAll students are encouraged to attend to work on their final projects.
B - Baking 12
A - Room 103 closed
D - Baking 12
C - Baking 12

Livingstone, ReganB - All Sr Band students travelling to Cuba have a Mandatory Meeting and Rehearsal.
A - Careers 10 (rm 121) open for students to complete assignments
D & C - Room open to students during their regular rehearsal times for individual practice.
MacDonald, TimFlex day:
B-Metal 9/10 metalshop
A-Construction 9/10 room 510
D-Construction 11/12 room 510
C-Prep/shop closed.
MacKinnon, KristinB- block tutorial
A- tests
D- tests
C- Lab assistance (in superlab)
MacLeod, AmberA and B Block: Students are welcome to continue to work on their online courses.

C and D Block: New Media 10: Students are welcome to come to Flex Day to receive extra help and complete missing assignments and/or tests.

Mazey, LoriDrama room

A block - Rehearsals for Final Projects and time to work on Final Assignments including prop making and script writing

Space also available in A block for Dancers working on their Final projects.

B block - Space available for work on Final projects and make up time for missed classes.

Space is also available in B block for Theatre students working on their final projects.
McAskill, Leigh-EllenB: Tourism 12

Help is available for all students. Students with multiple missing assignments, or those with a mark below 50% are required to attend. Students encouraged to continue to work on their final project that is due on January 23rd.

A: Humanities 8
Students with multiple missing assignment are required to attend Humanities support during A block. Students are encouraged to practice their skill building by completing the 'Teacher Recommendations' in IXL. Reminder: The link to access the site is in your email.

D: English 12

Capstone presentations are happening today. Please ensure you know your time and arrive prepared to share your learning.
Students that have extra time are encouraged to continue working on their Personal Essay.

C: Capstone

Presentations are happening today. Please ensure you know your time and arrive prepared to share your learning.

McCarthy, Anna
McDonald, HollyThe Enviro/Socials class will be in Cathedral Grove.
McDonald, RossFor PHE classes they can come in and complete their dance projects and health assignments or work on their gymnastics routines.
McMath, RobFor PHE classes they can come in and complete their dance projects and health assignments or work on their gymnastics routines.
Merrick, DaveOpen room. Extra instruction and worktime for students in Genocide Studies 12 and Military History 11.
Mtawali, CrosbyB-Block – Pre-Calculus 12
Students who missed the last unit test (Trigonometric Functions) will be making up the test preferably in the morning. I will be available for support all day. Students can show up in any block for help, rather than waiting for their respective blocks as long as they have permission from their respective block teachers - students need to go to the respective blocks first anyway for attendance.

A-Block – Pre-Calculus 11
I will be available for support all day. Students can show up in any block for help, rather than waiting for their respective blocks as long as they have permission from their respective block teachers - students need to go to the respective blocks first anyway for attendance.

D-Block – Pre-Calculus 11
I will be available for support all day. Students can show up in any block for help, rather than waiting for their respective blocks as long as they have permission from their respective block teachers - students need to go to the respective blocks first anyway for attendance.

C-Block – Pre-Calculus 12
Students who missed the last unit test (Trigonometric Functions) will be making up the test preferably in the morning. I will be available for support all day. Students can show up in any block for help, rather than waiting for their respective blocks as long as they have permission from their respective block teachers - students need to go to the respective blocks first anyway for attendance.

Murphy, WhitneyChild Development: Come in for our second last daycare visit or catch up on overdue projects. Growth & development project presentations due Thursday!

Leadership: Need volunteer hours or want to work on your final project? Come on in!

Careers 11: Come see me in C/D Block in the Careers office or A/B in room 011 if you have any questions.

Murray, Greg
Olson, Ron
Osborne, KevinThis is the last Flex day before the end of the semester/quarter on January 21st. Students have the opportunity to improve their grades through catch up and one on one support.
Pattison, SeanFor PHE classes they can come in and complete their dance projects and health assignments or work on their gymnastics routines.
Pearson, Andrew
Pettigrew, Grayson
Randall, Dave
Renooy, BrittanyWorkplace Math 10:
Students will write their numeracy assessment in the morning (8:50–12:00). Please check with Ms. Renooy for your designated location.
Science 9:
Students are encouraged to focus on enhancing and completing their Earth Science projects. This time can also be used to catch up on missed assignments or seek support with challenging concepts.
Science 10:
Ms. Renooy’s classroom will be closed during D block for provincial assessments. If you need a place to work, feel free to ask another teacher. For additional support from Ms. Renooy, you are welcome to visit during B block.
Ross, DawsonThe electronics shop is open to all students in blocks A and C, including those who just need a computer. However, any student not currently taking a course with Mr. Ross will need to check in when they arrive.
Sanchez, JordanThe auto shop will be open to current power technology and Auto 11 students who need to catch up on lab and engine work before the end of term. Students who have already had independent projects pre approved by Mr. Sanchez are also welcome.
Strimbold, MonicaScheduled students will have the following option(s):
1. Start, complete, edit, and/or review current academic/elective requirements.
2. Learn, practice and/or review foundational skills in numeracy and literacy via online, teacher and/or LST provided materials.
3. Use, review, and/or learn technological accessibility tools.

Drop-in students will have the same options as above, if there is space available.
Thorson, DawnnA Block will be an opportunity for students to work on missed work
B Block will be an opportunity for students to complete missed work and to work on their WWI final project

C and D Block are opportunities for Grade 12’s to work on their Careers 12.
Trevail, AndreaScience 10: Miss Trevail only available in B and A blocks. Catch up tests or help completing labs.
Turner, TorilScheduled students will have the following option(s):
1. Start, complete, edit, and/or review current academic/elective requirements.
2. Learn, practice and/or review foundational skills in numeracy and literacy via online, teacher and/or LST provided materials.
3. Use, review, and/or learn technological accessibility tools.

Drop-in students will have the same options as above, if there is space available.

Van Waterschoot, Katie
Veary, Laura
Verkley, Jeff
Walker, Jeannine
Weiss, DavidMr. Weiss: offering Math support in portable 806 all day.
Willard, NathanBlock B – All About Money – Students are to come in if they have a grade that is less than 60%. They are also to come in if they are missing any assignments, quizzes, ticket out questions or unit assessments. If they want, they can also come in to seek additional support to help understand the concepts that are being taught in class. We have completed the following Units: Earning and Spending Money, Investing, Future and Academic Money, and Taxes. We have a unit on Borrowing Money and Credit Cards, and Insurance left.

Block A - Business 12 - Students are to come in if they have a grade that is less than 60%. They are also to come in if they are missing any assignments, quizzes, ticket out questions or unit assessments. If they want, they can also come in to seek additional support to help understand the concepts that are being taught in class. We have completed the following units: Intro to Business and Economics, Economic Systems, Forms of Ownership and Business Ethics, Management and Leadership, Human Resources & Relationships. We are finishing up with Marketing and then doing a major project at the end of the semester by creating a business plan.

Block D – University Prep - Students are to come in if they have a grade that is less than 60%. They are also to come in if they are missing any assignments, quizzes, ticket out questions or unit assessments. It is very important and highly recommended to make full use of the Flex Day to complete their Essay. If they want, they can also come in to seek additional support to help understand the concepts that are being taught in class. We completed the following units: Your future in Academics, Personal Development Skills, Post-Secondary Survival Skills, and took a tour of VIU. We are in the final unit where we are taking a look at Higher Order of Thinking Skills, Finishing off our Major University level Essay and a University level Science Lab Write-Up.

Block C – All About Money – Students are to come in if they have a grade that is less than 60%. They are also to come in if they are missing any assignments, quizzes, ticket out questions or unit assessments. If they want, they can also come in to seek additional support to help understand the concepts that are being taught in class. We have completed the following Units: Earning and Spending Money, Investing, Future and Academic Money, and Taxes. We have a unit on Borrowing Money and Credit Cards, and Insurance left.

Wilson, MicheleFood Studies 11 (Block A)
Food Studies 11 (Block B)
Food Studies 9/10 (Block C)
Food Studies 8 (Block D - Mon/Wed)
Students who are missing any written assignments/projects are required to attend Flex Day - Please check MyEd. Students who are seeking further curricular understanding or those who need a quiet workspace are also welcomed and encouraged to attend. Please attend during your regularly scheduled class time as per the Wednesday schedule.

Young, Andrew
Counselling Office
Work Experience