
Hello Highland students and families!

We are continuing with the online form of course selection for Highland students for the 2025-2026 school year. Just as report cards and attendance have been moved to the MyEducation BC portal, so too has course selection.

In an effort to make things as simple as possible for everyone to register for the courses they need for graduation, as well as the courses they need for specific post-secondary programs, Highland administration and counselling staff will be hosting a series of Programming Sessions on February 12th and 13th, where we will get to every Highland student and show them how to use the system to register their courses for next year.

Below, you will find the Course Selection Guide, containing all the course information for courses we are offering in the next school year.

MyEd Student Portal for course selection

OPENS:  Friday, February 21st

CLOSES:  Thursday, February 27th

Instructions for online course selection

2025-2026 Course Catalogue

Jr. Programming Guide (9-10)

Sr. Programming Guide (11-12)

Mathematics Pathways

Math FAQ

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

Get prepared with a better understanding of the education opportunities available to you as you start your unique journey.  Link to Education Planner here.