Girl and Teacher in Wood Work class
Carpentry students working outdoors
Maker students using laptops
Career Program Survey
Careers Program Survey

We are excited to announce the launch of our Careers Programs Survey and invite you to share your valuable insights and feedback. Comox Valley Schools is committed to providing exceptional career education and opportunities for our students, and your input is crucial in helping us achieve this goal.

Our Careers Programs offer a wide range of pathways and experiences designed to prepare students for their future careers. This initiative aligns with our new Comox Valley Schools Strategic Plan, which emphasizes the importance of student success, community engagement, and continuous improvement.

We encourage all students, parents/guardians, staff, and local businesses to participate in this survey. Your feedback will help us understand the strengths of our current programs and identify areas for improvement. By working together, we can set our students up for success in their chosen career paths.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey (located here) and share your thoughts with us. Your participation is greatly appreciated and will help make an impact on the future of our Careers Programs.

To view the PowerPoint content shared at the recent Careers Program Information session please visit here.

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Welcome to the Comox Valley Careers Department

ADST Projects in Grades 4-7

One our goals this year is to support teachers and provide learning opportunities for students in grades 4-7  to take part in a variety of hands on learning projects. We have been working hard to design teacher guides and build toolboxes so that all elementary school students can learn how to use hand tools and explore creating, ideating and designing.  Teachers will be provided with training, lessons and resources for a variety of project, here are a few:

Grade 4: Planter/Pollinator Boxes

Grade 5: Bird Feeder

Grade 6: Bird House

Grade 7: Mason Bee House

Introduction Into the Trades: STEP

The STEP program is designed to support students who are curious about entering the trades. This 3 level (4 days per level) program supports with learning the basics about hand tools, power tools, and certificate acquisition. Students will walk away with an idea of what trade most interest them, WHIMIS and other certifications, and a Forklift certificate. Students will also have a foundation for their resume in addition to the items listed above.

For more information please visit your school Career Office or look under the Sandwick page above.