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You will train in a shop similar to that found in a normal work environment in order to develop the necessary skills to succeed. Special emphasis is placed on brake system servicing; steering, suspension service and wheel alignment; scheduled vehicle service; vehicle electrical and electronic systems; safety; and troubleshooting techniques.​

With successful completion of this program, graduates are eligible to write the Certificate of Qualification exam for Automotive Service Technician 1.

Upon entering into an apprenticeship, graduates will receive a 450 hour time credit from the SkilledTradesBC (formerly the Industry Training Authority or ITA) toward the time required to complete their apprenticeship.


Automotive Service Technicians are one of the most in demand trades currently according to the BC Labour Market Review.

Past graduates have worked for companies in town such as;
Canadian Tire, Comox Valley Hyundai, Comox Valley Nissan, Courtenay Mazda, Jerry’s Auto Works Ltd, , Seeco Automotive, Wade’s Auto Works ltd.


An Auto Service Technician apprentice must complete a four-year program including 63,600 workplace hours and 840 in-school hours of training completed in four levels of training, each for six to seven weeks. After completion and achievement of a passing grade, the apprentice will hold the B.C. Certificate of Apprenticeship, B.C. Certificate of Qualification, and the Inter provincial Standard Endorsement also known as Red Seal.


North Island College
(Campbell River Campus)
1685 S Dogwood St

Campbell River, BC

Program Start Date: September/March

Program Length: 30 weeks

Note: The program does NOT follow the Comox Valley School’s Calendar.  There is NO spring break.  Also, the February Intake goes through teh summer and ends in October.