Instructor:​ Alan Feustel, red seal Tool and Die Maker and Technology Education teacher
​Location: ​Mark R. Isfeld Secondary School
​Program start date: ​Semester 2, full time Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 3:10 pm
One Work Experience Day per week
Course Credits:

*Up to 24 graduation credits

Trades Sampler 12A (​​TSITA12A)
Trades Sampler 12B (​​TSITA12B)
Trades Sampler 12C (​​TSITA12C)
Workplace Math 11 (WPM 11)

*Workforce Training Certificate (WTC 12)
*Work Experience 12A (WEX 12A)

​Field Trips: Industry field trips to welding, fabricating, machining, heavy duty shops.

NIC trade program sessions. Students may spend several days in the different NIC trades facilities working with NIC instructors.

​Application:​ ​Interested students should fill out a District Trades Sampler Application and note Metal Sampler for the program.
​Co-op portion: After the initial part of the program is complete and a few tours of industry taken, students will be set up on Work Experience 12A placements to make industry connection.

Note: This program follows the school district calendar



Metal Mechanical Trade Sampler is a program for students that would like to explore a variety of Metal and Mechanics related trades to see what is their best fit. It is designed to be flexible with program structure and delivery so that field trips and projects can be worked on. Students that take this program will be given high priority for an Trades in Train program. Upon the completion of the program, students will have what industry is looking for: a good work ethic, a positive attitude, skills for the workplace, and knowledge about the apprenticeship system.

Applying: See your Careers Office to be put on the list and to receive a district application.
Space is limited to 16 students.


Below are 4 sample timetables showing the pathway and required courses needed between Grade 10 – 12 so a student could take the Metal Trades Sampler Program in Grade 11 or Grade 12 followed by a North Island College Trades Program in their Grade 12 year or after Grade 12.

Sample Timetable #1

Grade 10

Grade 11 Grade 12

English 10
Math 10
CLE 10/Elective 10
PE 10

Science 11*
Socials 11 or 12 *
Elective 11 (CLE11*)
English 12

NIC Trades Program

Aircraft Structures

Auto Service Technician
Heavy Mechanical

Note: Requires “N” license as program is in Campbell River

Socials 10
Science 10
English 11
|Elective 10/Elective 10

Metal Trades Sampler
(Includes WorkPlace Math 11)


Sample Timetable #2

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

English 10
Math 10
CLE 10/Elective 10
Elective 10/Elective 10

English 11
Science 11*
Socials 11 or 12 *
|Elective 11 (CLE11*)
English 12
*Grade 11 Academic?
Elective 12
Socials 10
Science 10
PE 10
Elective 10/Elective 10
Metal Trades Sampler
(Includes WorkPlace Math 11)

NIC Trades Program

Welding or Metal Fabrication

Note: Requires “N” license as program is in Campbell River

Sample Timetable #3

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

English 10
Math 10
CLE 10/Elective 10
Elective 10/Elective 10
English 11
Science 11
Elective 11
Elective 11

September NIC Program

Auto Service Technician
Heavy Mechanical

Aircraft Structures

Note: Requires “N” license as program is in Campbell River

Socials 10
Science 10
PE 10
Elective 10/Elective 10

English 12
Socials 11 or 12
Elective 11 or 12

Sample Timetable #4 (SD71 WILL NOT FULLY FUND Tuition)

Grade 10

Grade 11 Grade 12

After Grade 12

English 10
Math 10
CLE 10/Elective 10
Elective 10/Elective 10

English 11
Science 11
Elective 11
Elective 11
English 12
Elective 12
Elective 12
September NIC Program

Auto Service Technician
Heavy Mechanical


by SD71 

Socials 10
Science 10
PE 10
Elective 10/Elective 10
Socials 11 or 12
Elective 11 (CLE11*)
Math 11
Elective 11

Metal Trades Sampler
(Includes WorkPlace Math 11)

*Unless there is an Exceptional Circumstance that is pre-approved by the Ministry Of Education well in advance





Sheet Metal


District Application

Trade Sampler Application - Fillable   If you will complete this application digitally, make sure you download and save it to your computer first before completing.  You can use the Fill & Sign feature in Adobe Acrobat Reader to sign it.