K-4 Careers Learning Resources

Picture Book & Lesson Plans K-4

All school libraries have a Careers Tote that is filled with a teacher binder and artifact bags that explore careers and the community. There are Core Competency resources as well. Please visit your school library for access to the tote. There is also room for more artifacts as there are many careers within our local communities that could be highlighted.

Learning Resources: Worksheets

Picture Book & The Lesson Plan Gr. 4/5

Lesson Plan: What Do Grown-Ups Do All Day Lesson Plan

Please check with your Teacher Librarian to see if you have these books. If you don’t, the Careers department can lend them to you.

Picture Book & Lesson Plan Gr. 1-3

Lesson Plan: Who Will I Be Lesson Plan

Please check with your Teacher Librarian to see if you have these books. If you don’t, the Careers department can lend them to you.

Picture Book & Lesson Plan Gr. 2-4

Lesson Plan: When I Grow Up by Al Yankovic

Please check with your Teacher Librarian to see if you have these books. If you don’t, the Careers department can lend them to you.

Picture Book & Lesson Plan Gr. 1-3

Lesson Plan: Maybe Lesson Plan

Please check with your Teacher Librarian to see if you have these books. If you don’t, the Careers department can lend them to you.

Small Talk Video Clips

Great video clips for Careers Grade 4


If you would like to explore Careers Curriculum please contact Dawn Anderson at Dawn.Anderson@sd71.bc.ca

There are many ways to integrate Careers Curriculum into your classroom and I am happy to present or collaborate.