Youth Work in Trades

Kyle_Steven.jpgDo you know a journey person who would be willing to work with you as an apprentice?  Does your family run a business in an apprenticeable trade?  Do you have connections through friends or family that may assist you in finding someone who will apprentice you?

Youth Work in Trades (WRK 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B) allows students to begin the process of apprenticeship while still in school. As a​n YWT student, you’ll “earn while you learn” and graduate from the YWT program with 16 high-school credits and 480 work-based training hours that count towards your trade credential.

As an Youth Work in Trades student you:

  • are registered as regular apprentices with SkilledTradesBC (formerly the Industry Training Authority or ITA);
  • must be paid by the employer at least minimum wage;
  • you complete 480 hours and earn 16 credits towards graduation;
  • are potentially eligible for a $1,000 scholarship from the Ministry of Education if you remain in an apprenticeship and accrued 900 hours while you are school aged;
  • must be working with a journeyman (or SOA) in order for the hours to be valid;
  • are responsible for finding your own employer for this program.

You can apply for an Youth Work in Trades Award if you:

  • Are registered with SkilledTradesBC (formerly the Industry Training Authority or ITA) as a youth apprentice.
  • Have a Grade 12 Dogwood Diploma or an Adult Dogwood Diploma.
  • Have successfully completed WRK 11A, 11B, 12A and 12B.
  • Maintained a C+ average or better in your Grade 12 courses.
  • Have 900+ hours reported to the SkilledTradesBC (formerly the Industry Training Authority or ITA) while still of school age.

Here are some helpful resources to get you started:

$1000 Scholarship Criteria

Students who are eligible for the Youth Work in Trades Award will automatically be considered and the application process will be sent to them. To be eligible, students must have:

  • Been registered with SkilledTradesBC as a Youth Apprentice
  • Graduated with a Grade 12 Dogwood Diploma or Adult Dogwood
  • Successfully completed WRK 11A, WRK 11B, WRK 12A, and WRK 12B
  • Maintained a C+ average or better on Grade 12 numbered courses *
  • Reported a total of at least 900 hours to the SkilledTradesBC (formerly the Industry Training Authority or ITA) by December 31 of the school year the student turns 19 **** To be eligible for a **Youth Work in Trades scholarship, a student must complete 900 hours of work-based training by December 31 of the school year the student turns 19.  480 hrs of work for course credits, and then the remaining 420 hrs on their own time, but before Dec of the year they turn 19.

SkilledTradesBC (formerly the Industry Training Authority or ITA) Apprenticeship Overview

Contact Information

Tammy Williamson
Youth Work in Trades Teacher
Sandwick Continuing Education: 250-334-2520
Cell: 250-207-2093