Framework for Enhanced Student Learning
What is the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning?
The FESL is a new vision by the Ministry of Education that replaces many past accountability documents (such as Achievement Contracts, Superintendent’s Reports on Student Achievement, District Literacy Plans, and School Planning Councils).
The goal of the Framework is to develop school district plans and school plan that is collaboratively developed by educational stakeholders in each district.
Our chance to determine what is important to our SD71 learners and create a document that helps to promote continuous learning that is meaningful, sustainable and ensures each student reaches his/her potential.
An opportunity to see the strengths that exist in all our students beyond just the academic and reflect on student success as inclusive of multiple domains including intellectual, human & social, and career development.
What are the Ministry’s Guiding Principles for this document?
The following set of principles guided the development of the draft Framework for Enhancing Student Learning and will be used as an ongoing reference point in its implementation and continuous improvement.
The Framework for Enhancing Student Learning:
- is grounded in the belief that all education partners are responsible for student learning, with each having unique responsibilities;
- creates a system-wide focus on student learning, to ensure each student in BC achieves his or her full potential;
- is meaningful, impactful, flexible, realistic, and sustainable;
- addresses differences in performance among particular groups of students, most notably Aboriginal students, children in care, and students with special needs;
- is strength-, support-, evidence-, and results-based;
- reflects system-wide commitment to continuous improvement and life-long learning;
- continues to build public confidence in BC’s education system.