The Comox Valley School District produces a variety of reports and documents. Below is a list of current and archived publications:
Achievement Contract
Annual Budget & Multi Year Financial Plans
- 2024-2027 Multi Year Financial Plan
- 2024-25 Annual Budget
- 2023-24 Amended Annual Budget
- 2023-24 Annual Budget
- 2022-23 Amended Annual Budget
- 2022-23 Annual Budget
- 2021-22 Amended Annual Budget
- 2021-22 Annual Budget
- 2021-22 Preliminary Budget Information
- 2020-21 Amended Annual Budget
- 2020-21 Annual Budget
- 2019-20 Amended Annual Budget
- 2019-20 Annual Budget
- 2018-19 Amended Annual Budget
- 2018-19 Annual Budget
- 2017-18 Amended Annual Budget
- 2017-18 Annual Budget
Audited Financial Statements
Climate Change Accountability Report
District Literacy Plan
District Reports
Financial Health Working Group
- Association letter (April 2017)
- FHWG – Introductory Letter and Expectations
- FHWG – Toolkit Financial Health and Other Questions
- FHWG – Toolkit Accumulated Operating Surplus
- Appendix 1 – Taxpayer Accountability Principles
- Appendix 2 – Accumulated Operating Surplus breakdown by School District
- Appendix 3 – SY2015-16 Surplus compared to Expenditures and FTE
- FHWG – Toolkit Audit Committees
- OAGBC School District Budgeting Report REV5 May2016
Long Range Facilities Plan
Pay Transparency
Records Available to the Public without a request
School Catchment Areas
School Emergency Program
Statement of Financial Information

Ventilation Systems – An Overview
When it comes to working to keep our schools as safe as possible, there are many layers of protocols and practices that are working together. One of the measures we have in place are our ventilation systems. Our HVAC teams carefully monitor and keep our ventilation systems in good working order to help increase the amount of clean air entering our schools and classrooms.
Our maintenance teams have been working exceptionally hard to make sure our schools are maximizing our systems at each site. Here are some things to know about ventilation in Comox Valley schools:
- All filters – at every school and site – are inspected and replaced on a regular schedule throughout the year.
- Our maintenance teams ensure that we continue to run our ventilation at full capacity, as we maximize the circulation of clean air at each school.
- All SD71 ventilation systems meet or exceed the recommended standards wherever possible.
For more detailed information on SD71 HVAC systems, please read this briefing note.
Below are completed overviews of the systems at each school.
- Airport-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Arden-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Aspen-Park-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Brooklyn-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Comox-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Courtenay-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Cumberland-Elementary-Strathcona-Ventilation-system-overview
- Cumberland-Junior-Beaufort-Ventilation-system-overview
- Cumberland-Perseverance-Ventilation-system-overview
- Denman-Island-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- G.P.-Vanier-Secondary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Highland-Secondary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Hornby-Island-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Huband-Park-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Indigenous-Ed.-Ventilation-system-overview
- Lake-Trail-Middle-Ventilation-system-overview
- LRC-Glacier-View-Secondary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Maintenance-Building-Ventilation-system-overview
- Mark-Isfeld-Secondary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Miracle-Beach-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- NIDES-Ventilation-system-overview
- Puntledge-Park-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Queneesh-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Robb-Road-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Royston-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
- Sandwick-Technical-Ventilation-system-overview
- School-Board-Office-Ventilation-system-overview
- Valley-View-Elementary-Ventilation-system-overview
Violence Threat-Risk Assessment
Weather/Emergency Closures
From time-to-time, schools are temporarily closed for emergency reasons. The superintendent may make the decision to temporarily close any or all district schools when the safety of students and staff may be compromised. Parents, students and school district staff will be informed over the local media (98.9FM, 97.3FM). Every attempt will be made to post announcements about closures on the school district website. If there is no announcement on this website, please be sure to listen to the local radio stations.