Our Partners

SD71 District Parent Advisory Council
Comox Valley District Parents Advisory Council (DPAC) is a collective voice of School District #71 parents and guardians. Any parent or guardian with a child registered in SD71 is a member at large of the DPAC and is welcome to attend and participate in DPAC meetings

CUPE - Canadian Union of Public Employees
CUPE Local 439 represents approximately 700 members employed at School District 71. Our Membership are the Support Staff of School District #71, a group of dedicated workers employed to provide for the ongoing support and maintenance of the schools of the Comox Valley.

SD71 CDTA Logo
The Comox District Teachers’ Association (CDTA) represents approximately 1000 members employed by School District 71. The objectives of the CDTA are to promote public education and the teaching profession as a public good, and to strive for excellence in the working conditions, wellness, and professional development of teachers.