The Legacy School program is a national initiative created by the Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack Fund (DWF) to engage, empower and connect students and educators to further reconciliation through awareness, education and action (reconciliACTION).
In August 2019, DWF announced that Comox Valley Schools became the first school district in all of Canada to sign on all schools to the program.
DWF provides educational resources and program material for educators to develop lessons and programs that will ensure the unique interests, rights, and perspectives of Indigenous peoples are recognized and implemented in schools and communities across Canada.
Each of the 23 school sites received a toolkit at the start of the school year and have already initiated unique and creative activities to support Indigenous learning.
Many of the schools are participating in a walk during Secret Path Week (October 17 – 21) to mark the anniversary of the passing of Chanie Wenjack. Ecole Robb Road and Hornby Island are following the Six Cedar Trees to create a school-wide understanding and culture around reconciliation. Valley View has embraced the Legacy School program with music by introducing songs Downie’s iconic band Tragically Hip into music class.
Quick Facts
- DWF was inspired by Chanie Wenjack’s story as a residential school student and Gord Downie’s call to build a better Canada that aims to build cultural understanding and create a path towards reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
- DWF’s work centres around improving the lives of Indigenous people by building awareness, education, and connections between all Canadians.
- A reconciliACTION is a meaningful action that moves reconciliation forward. ReconciliACTIONs aims to bring Indigenous and non-Indigenous people together in the spirit of reconciliation to share, learn, and create awareness.
For more information about the Secret Path Week visit downiewenjack.ca/our-work/secret-path-week/
For more information about the Downie-Wenjack Fund Legacy Schools program visit downiewenjack.ca/our-work/legacy-schools-programs/