2022 Trustee Election Results

Seven school trustees are elected by the public to represent the Comox Valley School District on the Board of Education every four years. Two trustees were acclaimed, three are newly elected and two were re-elected.

Trustees will be sworn in at the Board office in a ceremony on November 15 at 6:30 p.m.  The November Board meeting will be held on November 29 at 6:30 p.m.

Area Name Elected/Acclaimed
City of Courtenay Shannon Aldinger Elected
City of Courtenay Janice Caton Re-Elected
Town of Comox Susan L Leslie Elected
Area A Chelsea McCannel-Keene Elected
Area B Michelle Waite Acclaimed
Area C Christi May Sacht Re-Elected
Cumberland Sarah Jane Howe Acclaimed

Below are the direct weblinks to the municipal and CVRD websites:



