Who to Contact in SD 71

SD71 Concerns Flowchart

Below is a flowchart to help guide you in how best to raise concerns about things related to SD71.

Flowchart titled 'SCHOOL DISTRICT 71 HOW TO ADDRESS CONCERNS' The chart starts with four main categories: Busing Issues, Classroom Issue, School Issue, and District Issue. Busing Issues leads to 'Type of Issue?' which branches into Service Issues and Behaviour Issues. Service Issues directs to 'First View APP or First Student 250-703-2656'. Behaviour Issues leads to School Principal. Classroom Issue directs to 'Your Child's Teacher', with an 'if not resolved' path to School Principal. School Issue goes directly to School Principal. All paths converge at a diamond asking 'Was it resolved?' If Yes, it leads to 'Excellent'. If No, it goes to 'School Board Office 250-334-5500'. From there, another 'Was it resolved?' diamond appears. If Yes, it loops back to 'Excellent'. If No, it proceeds to 'Appeal to the Board of Education', followed by 'See Board Policy Manual'. District Issue bypasses initial steps and goes straight to School Board Office.