Board Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson re-elected
Comox Valley Schools’ board has re-elected Michelle Waite as chairperson and Susan Leslie as vice chairperson for the upcoming year, following the Nov. 28, 2023, public board meeting.
Picture above: Vice Chair, Susan Leslie
Additionally, Trustee Sarah Jane Howe will serve as the BC School Trustees Association (BCSTA) provincial councilor, with Trustee Shannon Aldinger as the alternate. Trustees Chelsea McCannel Keene and Cristi May Sacht have been appointed as the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) board representative and alternate, respectively.
“I’m honoured to be re-elected as Chairperson and it’s a responsibility I deeply value,” said Michelle Waite, Board Chairperson for Comox Valley Schools. “As we engage in the important work ahead, with reconciliation and our Strategic Planning process, our focus remains steadfast on creating a nurturing learning environment for our students.
This election aligns with Policy 104: Board of Education – Meetings, Policy 101: Board of Education – Role and Function, and Section 67(4) of the School Act.