Isfeld Grads Put the Ice in the Coldest Night of the Year
The Mark R Isfeld Grad class of 2022 didn’t let CoVID 19 restrictions put the ice on their determination to raise money for local charities. They jumped in on the Coldest Night of the Year walks to fundraise for Dawn to Dawn and the Comox Transition Society. For inspiration, more than 50 grads formed teams to compete to raise the most donations. Grad students Maisie Matthews and Jolie Sothert convinced some Isfeld staff to do their part, too. They had each team ask a staff member or a student to be dunked with ice-cold water as an incentive. If the Grad class raised more than $1000, then the team that raised the most would get to dunk their sponsor teacher. The incentive worked. The five teams raised more than a $1000 each! The teachers, administrators and the one student agreed that they all deserved to be dunked. In total, the Grad class of 2022 raised $10 395 at last count with money still trickling in.
The results:
Team Incredible Icicles raised $3355 to dunk teacher Debra McKillican.
Team Fast & Flurries raised $3010 to dunk teacher and Coldest Night of the Year co-sponsor Kim Murcheson.
Team VC Apparel raised $1380 to dunk teacher Stephane Roy.
Team Frostyx3 raised $1405 to dunk teacher Dave Graham.
Team Ice Cubes raised $1245 to dunk student Will Howard.
In true Ice spirit, Principal Brian McAskill, Vice-Principals Jonathan Bos and Sherrie Martens and teacher and Coldest Night of the Year co-sponsor Greg Janzen agreed to be dunked as well.