Provincial Resource Programs
Provincial Inclusion Outreach Program District Partner: Heather Robertson |
Provincial Outreach Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
District Partner: Katelin Miller |
Provincial Outreach Program for Deaf Blindness
District Partner: Linda Stirrett |
Provincial Outreach Program for Autism Spectrum Disorders District Partner: Andrea Flesher |
Provincial Outreach Program for Early Years District Partner: Heather Willms |
Special Education Technology – SET-BC District Partner: Jane Rondow |
Accessible Resource Centre BC
District Partner: Jane Rondow |
Provincial Outreach Programs for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder District Partners: Tracy Pederson, Catherine Leppanen |
Provincial Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired
District Partner: Linda Stirrett |
Provincial Outreach for Cochlear Implants and Auditory Training Equipment (PRP-AO)
District Partner: Katelin Miller |
Positive Behaviour Interventions & Supports BC (Making Connections Group)
District Partner: Catherine Leppanen |