Learning Support Teachers
Specialist teachers work in each school to support the teaching and learning of all students. They work alongside classroom teachers to coordinate adaptations and interventions to the full range of students with learning and/or behavioural needs. Their role includes:
- Assisting teachers in providing adaptations and accommodations in the classroom setting
- Assisting classroom teachers in assessing learning, including standardized achievement testing
- Facilitating the implementation of curriculum for students with special learning needs
- Supporting educational assistants with developing materials and skills to differentiate instruction
- Providing direct instruction to students in whole class, small-group, and individual settings
- Developing IEPS and Learning Plans to support student learning.
School Counsellors
Each school has a counselor who provides consultation and counseling services for students with academic, social, emotional, behavioural or mental health concerns. Their primary goal is to help students experience success in the school setting.
Where more intensive, ongoing therapy is required by a student, our counselors facilitate referrals to outside counseling agencies and other specialist personnel. At the secondary schools, counselors also provide support with educational planning and career counselling.
Speech and Language Pathologists
Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) provide school-based support to students whose education is impacted by communication difficulties (including speech sounds, language, social communication, voice, fluency, and the need for alternative and augmentative communication systems).
Following assessment, speech-language services may be offered in a variety of ways, depending on the student’s needs. Some typical options include: monitoring, providing home practice suggestions and/or materials, collaborating and consulting with parents and school staff, setting goals in conjunction with parents and the school team, providing therapy services in small groups, in the classroom, or individually, providing modelling and support, or a combination of these approaches.
Educational Assistants
Educational Assistants (EAs) work under the direction of a Learning Support or classroom teacher to support the curriculum differentiation for individual and small groups of learners. Some EAs have additional training and skills in the areas such as: autism, behaviour, or sign language.
EAs are allocated to schools at the beginning of each school year, based on the type and level of support required by the learners in the school and are scheduled by school administrators.
There are seven categories of EAs in the district: Elementary, Secondary, EA Complex Autism/Other, Behavioural, Health Care, Life Skills and Prep.
School Psychology Services
Our district psychologists provides consultation and support for students with diverse learning needs. Students are referred for assessments by their School Based Teams.
After an assessment has been completed on an individual student, our psychologist will collaborate with the student’s family and the school team to make recommendations for appropriate programming and interventions for that student.