SD71 DPAC Presents: What is Cultural Appropriation?

SD71 DPAC welcomes back Kerry Cavers of Moms Against Racism (Canada) to present an online workshop called “What is Cultural Appropriation?” via Zoom on Thursday, March 10th at 7pm.

Date: Thursday, March 10th at 7pm on Zoom (not recorded)

Outline: “Are you unsure if something is cultural appropriation or appreciation? This interactive and informative 1.5 hour workshop is facilitated virtually by Kerry Cavers, Founder & President of Moms Against Racism Canada. With compassion and connection, Kerry helps attendees build the foundational knowledge and understanding they need to critically discern for themselves the difference between the two concepts.

Kerry invites participants to reflect upon their personal experiences and relationships to different cultures while leading them through a thought-provoking session covering:

  • What is Moms Against Racism?
  • Definitions: Appreciation vs Affinity vs Appropriation, Culture
  • Examples: The Power Dynamic: Costumes, The Problem with Disney, Just because you can…
  • Questions and Discussion

Questions can be submitted ahead of time by email or posed via chat (anonymously if desired) or live during the session. 

A worksheet is provided so participants can actively follow along, take notes, capture insights, and document commitments throughout the session. Additional resources also provided following the workshop.”

More info here: What Is Cultural Appropriation Outline

About MAR: Moms Against Racism (Canada) About

About the Presenter – Kerry Cavers: Moms Against Racism Team

Zoom Link:

SD71 DPAC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Mothers Against Racism – Cultural Appropriation

Time: Mar 10, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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